Saturday, February 19, 2011

Too Many Boiled Balls.

I just read a really cute blog post by my dad (yes he has his own blog too!) that I'd like to share. ^_^ Here is his story with my translation:

元宵節囉 吃湯圓
It's the Lantern Festival, so we have to eat tang yuan
(tang yuan = boiled balls of glutinous rice flour)

Grandmother went to buy a couple packets of tang yuan
But she didn't tell us

Grandfather was worried that grandmother forgot to buy tang yuan
He also went out to buy a few packets of tang yuan

我從外頭回來 擔心家裡沒湯圓
I came back from running errands, was worried that we didn't have any tang yuan at home
Therefore I also went out to buy some tang yuan

Well now
Our fridge is totally packed...
with tang yuan

The free daily morning paper
Has an article interviewing grandmother along with her picture
And the subject is... tang yuan.

Translation of the blurb:

Mrs. Ji (my grandmother's maiden name) who lives in Flushing, said that her old husband and son both love to eat sesame tang yuan, which is why she wanted to take advantage of the [supermarket] promotion sale and stock up. Mrs. Ji recalled her childhood at her old home in Jiangxi Province, when her entire family would work together to make homemade tang yuan. They would buy glutinous rice and various stuffings, and then all the roles would be tasked out so that it was clear what everyone had to do. It very lively that time of the year. Now, there's less people at home [in Flushing] and she doesn't make homemade tang yuan anymore because the supermarket has a large selection of tasty and cheap tang yuan that's available whenever she feels like having some.


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