Friday, February 11, 2011

An Empire State of Mind (Pt. 2)

What I saw in New York.

Hello, home.
Brrr!!! There were times during this trip that I seriously thought I was suffering from frostbite and I'd find a random loose toe or two when I took my boots off.

Raw and gritty New York City.
My least preferred mode (but only choice) of travel. The 7 train @ Main Street Station... a modern Ellis Island. Flushing's perpetual state of decay never ceases to surprise me, yet the influx of fresh immigrants each year always breathes much needed vitality into this stinkhole.

Kew Gardens after the Nth snowstorm of 2010/2011.
My mom now lives near Forest Park, my favorite place to run when the weather's nice. In the wintertime, the snow actually manages to stay white and pure for more than a few hours. After living in Manhattan for so many years, I had forgotten how pretty snow could be. It's extra pretty when you aren't the unlucky bastard shoveling it, hahaha. :)

I grew up in Queens, lived in Fresh Meadows, traversed Flushing countless times. This time around I only went into the city a few times just to see friends. I spent most of my time at home with my mom and family. Although I went to high school and college in the city and lived in Manhattan for almost 3 years afterwards, I identify with these scenes the most. I'm really not that glamorous New York City gal.


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