Thursday, August 26, 2010

Goodbye D.C.

I start this post on the 1pm Boltbus back to New York... after narrowly missing my 11:30am bus (the door literally shut on my face right after I sprinted out of the cab). Note to self: I really need to change my bad habit of being late. Sometimes the huffy buslady with attitude will not give into your hyperventilating pleading quivery puppy face routine. Surprising, I know. :p

Anyway. I must stop being late. I'm really not looking forward to the inevitable mommy-nag. [Edit: My mom was too happy to see me to nag, yay!]

My last week in DC was packed, filled with studying, filled with drinking, filled with eating, filled with good ol' fun. I'm certainly going to miss all the friends I've made here at SAIS Pre-term. Everyone is so smart, interesting, and have I mentioned good-looking? It was just a short month, but I know that I'll feel comfortable roaming the halls of Nitze and Rome when I come back next year. No freak hallway for me, woot~

After wrapping up the micro final and macro waiver exam, I was free to cavort and frolic as much as I pleased. Lucky me, because I knew two pretty ladies who played hostess in their homes, Shama and Alex!

Every girl hails from a different part of the world. We're like Pokemon.

Taboo is only the best freaking game in the world, fyi.
Go "Team Bonecrushers"! It was hilarious because most of the non-Americans were on the other team, heh.

The always lovely Alex, SAIS's very own manslayer and professional mimosa alchemist.

Tommy probably in midst of a captivating story about "Pepito", the chubby little Mexican boy he babysits.

Andrew and I introduced Shiva to Korean pop girl bands. You can also see Marco's totally enraptured reflection off the laptop screen, haha.

Phill's satisfied expression explains it all.

I put the camera on a paper towel roll on timer. Yet why is it so blurry? Hmm...
Oh why thank you Lubomir for violently smashing yourself into the table at the last second (do you see how slanty the liquid in the wine glasses are?!). Haha, twas a perfect happy moment.

1 comments: said...

Very good.

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