Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's Getting Hot In Here

The Captain has bought herself an early Christmas present!

Yes, that's right -- Mama's getting a KINDLE FIRE.

I've been wanting this for quite some time already, in fact I was just about to cave in to buy an iPad2 when I read about the Kindle Fire. With my iPhone, the only reason why I wanted an iPad was to read magazines. Prior to the Kindle Fire, all that Kindle eInk black-and-whitedom is was as exciting to me as a fat man wearing a kilt paired with Uggs. Now, I am so freaking turned on.

I learned that living abroad means that you have a dearth of magazine publications at your perusal. Back in New York I had subscriptions (real paper ones, not that online crap) to New York Magazine, Elle, Travel + Leisure, The Economist. Lazing around at home lying sedentary on my couch was actually a productive knowledge-filled time (as was going to the ladies room, ahem). But here in Asia a single magazine costs around $10 USD. At least. It's absolutely ridiculous. But what's MORE ridiculous is that they're always a few weeks late. What's the point of reading a magazine when all of the information is outdated? I'm not paying Nobu money to eat your Sushi Express leftovers.

So that's why I'm eagerly awaiting to cradle the Kindle Fire in my arms. Oh Kindle Fire, you will be my savior. Through you I will crawl my way back into civilization and Trivia Night superstardom. ;) I just can't wait!


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