Sunday, January 27, 2013

Frivolous Birthday Wish List

Just because it's fun to imagine a situation when people finally realize that I would not appreciate a Bath & Body Works lotion set or a Starbucks gift certificate. In fact, that is a sure fire way to get defriended become my arch-nemesis [that's you, Ikea!!!].

I am very particular about gifts in general because I do not like clutter in my life. And if it's not something I can use or love (and I mean LOVE), then it must be something extremely thoughtful and sentimental (i.e. NOT a shot glass you picked up from your last beach holiday). You can be sure that anything that you put thought into will end up being something I will appreciate! It's not about how much something costs, but whether it adds value or happiness. If you know me, then this should be a doozy. :) Honestly, a nice heart-felt handwritten letter would earn a spot in my forever shoebox safe. I love those.

BUT I will understand if you have Carpel Tunnel syndrome. In fact, since I don't want to aggravate your debilitating medical condition, here is a list of shit I want (I am so considerate!):

  1. 1-year subscription to or you can make that a perpetual subscription if you never want to waste any additional brainpower figuring out what would make me happy every year. :) [Friends showed me hax, woot.]
  2. A new tennis racket, I'm thinking probably a Babolat. I will have no more excuses for not kicking ass.  [Mom got me a new racket, yay!]
  3. If a house elf could magically appear and re-string my new badminton racket. And my new Babolat. [Dobby came and lent a hand.]
  4. Vocal lessons.
  5. Tennis lessons.
  6. Dance lessons. [Just took my first Salsa class last weekend!]
  7. Spanish lessons. [Does RosettaStone count?]
  8. Flexible roundtrip tickets to Taipei.
  9. A domesticated silver fox.
  10. An Ayi to take care of said awesome pet's shedding and excretion. 
  11. A fire engine red scooter with reflector strips so I can ride in style and safety in Shanghai. With a fighter pilot helmet. And handle bar streamers. Oh, and a fog horn. [I got a bike, that's good enough. I wear my helmet and it has blinking LED lights for extra safety.]
  12. French press and coffee grinder. I can't believe I don't have these already. [THANKS CHRIS, YOU'RE THE AWESOMEST HOUSE-GUEST EVER!!!]
  13. A home-cooked 5 course meal. I won't even care if it tastes like Elmer's Glue.
  14. Satellite cable so I can watch garbage shows like Housewives of Staten Island or whatever.
  15. That ginormous Samsung Note II smartphone to increase my productivity to world dictator level. [Used the power of persuasion to have my company upgrade my smartphone, which I now realize will take a bit of a learning curve to use, hahaha.]
  16. An ultrabook? [I think getting a Samsung Note2 is like a mini-Ultrabook]
  17. Laser eye surgery??
  18. A two-bedroom apartment???
  19. A three-bedroom apartment????
  20. A tropical island?????
Okay my brain is exhausted. This was fun, good night!


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