Monday, March 26, 2012

Loot: Mother of Pearl iPhone Case

OMG. Escher at my fingertips!!!! 
I saw this and fell in love. You're mine.

If there's one overused tool in this modern age then I vote for the iPhone -- I spend so (too?) much time on it emailing, Whats Apping, Draw Something'ing, Tiny Towering, Google Mapping, and yes, calling. Once in awhile. ;)

Because of its constant presence, the iPhone has become a little part of ourselves, and perhaps another expression of our identity. There are a lot of interesting iPhone cases out there, and I daresay you can probably deduce what kind of person someone is by this alone. There are sleek and simple cases, functional cases, hipster cases, cases that only your middle-aged parent would use, blingbling jeweled cases, cartoon animal cases, no cases... 

As for me, I guess I would say that I like patterns, handicrafts, natural materials, all bundled by a sedated portion of glamour. 300RMB on Taobao for a cellphone case is quite expensive, but I need a little everyday fancy, and having this piece of art in my hands is worth the price. :)


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