Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not in Kansas Anymore

At the China Pavilion, Shanghai World Expo.
Animated villagers going about their daily lives inside the famous painting "Riverside at the Qingming Festival" VS. unrepentant real life Chinese boxing each other out for a good view.

I'm sitting at home writing my paper about sovereignty disputes over 钓鱼台/Senkaku Island and how public opinion and nationalism affects foreign policy. China this, China that. Suddenly I realized: Oh shit, I'm in China. I'm not just reading the stuff, I'm in it. I'm looking out into China right now (grey and smoggy). It's right at my doorstep (dynamic yet smelly). I don't know, it's an obvious statement but it feels so strange. I didn't think I'd end up here. How did I get here again?


Natalie said...

that happens to me all the time.
sometimes, i'll be sitting in a restaurant and i'll think...damn there are so many asians here.
and then i realize...
i'm in taiwan.
hhahaa. it hits you at strange points.
miss you so much...hope all is well.

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