Instead of Ebay, China has an online marketplace called Taobao (淘宝). Taobao is AMAZING -- not only can you find everything that could possibly exist in the world, but it's also a community where people post the most ridonkulous stuff.
I was looking to replenish my concealer supply and stumbled upon the Taobao makeup forum. Well folks, let's just say that: 1) it's a strange source of pride for these young women to publicly metamorphosize into Madame Butterflies (I always thought that makeup should be shrouded in secretive mystery, perhaps I'm old-fashioned), 2) I'm absolutely stunned at their expertise and wonder why I don't see more attractive young women on the streets in Nanjing, and 3) for all you googly-eyed boys... just another case for why personality IS important!!! :)
In case you don't believe that these are actual Taobao forum posts:
- 1st Row - Youth Serum (she must have consumed babies' hearts to look so much younger)
- 2nd Row - MVP of the Year (*falls off chair*............... )
- 3rd Row - Asian Barbie (The always appealing rich 太太 look)
- 4th Row - Classic Taiwanese Club Girl (Taiwan's best export aside from bubble tea)
I feel like they're metamorphosing into Sailor Moon, not Mme Butterfly. So bizarre that this is the beauty aesthetic to aspire to.
#2 looks too mean in the before to become so doe-eyed in the after!
I read an article awhile back about how infantilization is the general aesthetic/制度 in Asia because it's a non-threatening way to maintain order and foster a peaceful society. Notice how logos, themes, mascots in Asia are all cutesy (Fuwas in the Beijing Olympics vs. fuglyfuzzy in Atlanta, or even London?) I need to dig that article up again somewhere and post it. It was total money.
I'm always amazed at these transformations. Make up does wonders but these girls have some seriously potent Harry-Potter magical make-up. They all look so Japanese.
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