Today was my first day of school. Well, technically it's called "Pre-term" here at SAIS, but I was treated to my first 3 hour lecture (microeconomics) in 4 years... and I swear my grey matter was on the threshold of spontaneous combustion. We had this math test where at some point I was supposed to take the derivative of ln and the only symbol that popped up in my head was "???" :p I don't think that was the answer, haha.
The act of trying to stay awake is probably one of the most effective method of torture. Reviewing old material always feels so much more tedious than learning new material, but who knows... I might fall to hubris and flunk. On the side of the spectrum, today I also met some extremely interesting and worldly peers who make me feel very humble, and I'm very excited to pick their brains over the next few years. Socializing is a bit awkward and forced for me sometimes, which is why I'm looking forward to Friday Happy Hour and the effect of beer (Charisma +10)!
Alma Mater 2.0
I know this is quite a cliche thing to say, but I never thought that I'd be here last year. July 26, 2009, I was content in my warm nest. It's overwhelming how far I've drifted... and I can't determine whether it's been for better or worse. I can bring myself to tears when I sit quietly and think about the past, so it's better to just keep on moving... even if it's only one step at a time. Perhaps when I lift my head up a bit later down the road, I'll be amazed to discover where I've ended up.
When there's an ending, there will also be a beginning.
When you get broken down, you have an opportunity to rebuild.
When a part of your heart gets scooped out, make room for something else.
I will not lose to myself !!!
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