The next time I make a bet with someone (male-only), I'm going to send them to "Stylist Rico London". HAHAHAHAHA. Thank you NYTimes for making me laugh out loud at 9:30am. :)
Stylist Rico London has become well known at Levels Unisex, a barber shop in East Harlem. He's particularly known for his sculptured designs.
Elvis Acevedo gets his hair styled by Mr. London for the first time. Mr. London says he freestyles haircuts and is inspired by clients' personalities.
In addition to haircuts, Mr. London also draws complementing designs on clients’ faces.
Pimp-nasty. That shit better be in permanent marker! [My own caption, not NYTimes']
One time I won a bet with a co-worker and he had to grow out his beard for a week and then shave half of it off at work (vertically down his face). Even though the conditions were that he had to don it for the entire day, I took pity that he had a 12 o'clock meeting with our MD and let him retire early. I am so benevolent. :) If I lost that bet I would have had to shave my eyebrow like Vanilla Ice, but girls can always fill that stuff in with makeup later.
This Elvis dude got a scraggly squiggly mustache... what would you think if Stylist Rico London drew some thick handle bar or a soul patch on you? What does it say about your personality? I actually don't think I'd mind having someone draw a mustache on me if I lost a bet, so long it was just a mustache and none of the other passed-out drunk stuff that people do to you. :p
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