Hello, you can call me Miffy. Some background information:
I am a 26 year old female, born and raised in New York City (formative years in Queens, young adult+ years in the city). I lived there for 25 years straight.
I like: pirate ships, vinegar, stripey cats, manga, terrariums, scuba diving, mountain pinnacles, watermelon, peonies, fantasy books, belgian chocolate ice cream, economics, toro, biking, cuddling, Shiraz, intellectual banter, lamb chops, lemonade, smart girls and considerate boys (I like considerate girls and smart boys much less).
I dislike: lectures, shrimp/squid sashimi, being sick, flakiness, wet socks, uninformed beliefs, all types of bugs, unsolved puzzles, acne, white chocolate, drizzle, NYC transit in the summer, Powerpoint, hangnails, killing (eating raw oysters being the only exception), Long Island Iced Teas, being told No.
I came to Taiwan 1 year and 3 months ago hoping to achieve reading proficiency in Chinese.
I believe I have done a pretty good job so far.
But not good enough!
This fall, I will be attending the Hopkins Nanjing Center in China, where all my classes will be taught in Chinese. Afterwards, I will come back to the United States to finish up my Masters in International Economics and China Studies at John Hopkins SAIS.
Then, who knows.
But before I have to figure out what to do with the rest of my life, there's a fair amount of exploring that I want to do... specifically...
It's a lofty goal given the fact that I'll be a full-time grad student, but let's give it a try. :) This is my attempt documenting my thoughts/adventures with you all.
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