Monday, October 29, 2012

Mr. Bai

Meet Mr. Bai.

His full name translated into Chinese is 白先生 but his owner calls him 小白。He is aptly named, because he is white. And little. And a gentleman. A little white gentleman.

But I've one-upped this nonsense by renaming him 喵咪 (miao mi, or "kitty"). 
You sir, are a kitty. And I shall call you by your genus everyday. And you shall like it (which he does).

Actually the reason why I call him "kitty" is because during his time in my care I've realized that he doesn't respond to "Bai" AT ALL, but that 喵喵 (miao miao) works very effectively. I say "miao miao" the first thing when I get home, and he snakes his way out of his hiding place, prancing over to greet me with a "miao?!!!" It's very cute. :) So now every night we hold deep philosophical conversations, discuss the Presidential debate, he even gives me fashion styling tips. I am, the Cat Whisperer!

I leave my snow leopard hung out to dry as a warning for all misbehaving felines.
I rule my house with a heavy hand. O_O

Yes, I like you around too. :)
Do I have to give you back to Bad Meanie Kevin???


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