Sunday, December 30, 2012


A few weeks ago around mid-December, the always lovely, always sassy Ailin threw a marvelous house party so all of us friends could celebrate Christmas together before we officially scattered for the holidays. Dress code: White. Beverage code: Alcohol. Behavior code: Irreverent. 

Ailin has a pimp-ass apartment with REAL FURNITURE and REAL KITCHEN STUFF, objects that I dream of acquiring in the near future as Shanghai becomes more and more "home". This is particularly resonant as I peck away on my laptop, precariously perched on my collapsible/collapsing Ikea table tray. Gah... I am also drinking Chianti out of a coffee mug at this very moment. Hahahaha. :p

Le sigh, perhaps my home one day will come with a gilded Baroque picture frame too.
Non-stick ladle (and sexy lady accessory)... included?

Somehow we managed to convince the guys to stage an "Evolution of Man" pose... and Kun ended up as the advanced homo sapien. Clutching a bottle of wine, ofc.
Boys doth protest taking photos, but we know deep down you love the attention. ;)

Oh, I guess cradling bottles of wine WAS the theme of the party.
Ms. Julie, partner-in-crime.

3 Js! Love you girls.
If you're looking for reindeer movers, look no further.

We played White Elephant, which turned out to be an awesome fiasco. 
Min as the Dungeonmaster, laying down the law. Those who wish to steal a present must take ONE HALF-CUP OF VODKA.

Taotao was so shocked that she dropped her red wine at a White party. O_O
But she ended up taking that uber shot for a gold digital Casio watch (that I bought!). I like you, you have good taste, Viv.

That half-cup of vodka means nothing for Ty.
If Ty looks at you while holding a bottle, that next shot has your name on it. RUN.

But deceptively, sometimes it wasn't just Ty. These pictures document how Jon and Ian cornered me (I tried SO hard to escape) to have a "mouth cocktail"... which is essentially a big gulp of hard liquor followed by juice that "you're supposed to swish in your mouth to mix". 
Don't plan on patenting this idea, boys!

Playing reindeer games!
Prance prance prance.

Our Shanghai Fram-ily. :)


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