Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Mom's Answer for "Why Men Wear Pants"

My mom just forwarded me an email that I just HAVE to share with everyone for these compelling reasons: 1) I couldn't believe that she was spamming me, usually all her emails are like, "WHERE ARE YOU, CALL ME BACK NOW." 2) She has a sense of humor. Where was this 10 years ago when I needed it? 3) She has a dirty sense of humor. AMAZING! :) I hope it stays at little boy peepees only.

Parents really do get cooler with age. :) Here is the email in full glory, Engrish and all!

"Why Men Wear Pants" (男人為何穿褲子?...哈)

Why did men decide to wear clothes?
Early experiences that convinced the male to wear clothes
(Miffy: "Because little boys were convinced in their formative years that it was just safer to wear pants.")

Aw, how cute! I still can't believe my mom sent me this. o_o
I wonder if this still happens to grown men... who uses their weewee as a bookmark anyway?


Karissa Chen said...

are they all supposed to be animated? bc only one of them is, though i can guess the bad things that are going to happen...

Cap'n Miffy said...

haha i have no idea! tried resaving/reloading the photos but it seems like only the toilet one works on my blog. oh well, 7 little bruised weewees might be too traumatizing for some readers anyway. :)

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